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Drum the Bull: Unique Musical Experience Celebrates Return of Formula 1

Drum the Bull in Spielberg, Austria.

The Red Bull Ring at Spielberg in Austria became the centerpiece of an anthem in celebration of the imminent return of Formula One.

Internationally renowned percussionist Martin Grubinger combined classical music with sounds of motorsports, to create a musical opener to back-to-back grand prix in Spielberg: the Formula 1 Rolex Grosser Preis von Österreich on July 5 followed by the Formula 1 Pirelli Grosser Preis der Steiermark on July 12.

Grubinger brought together musicians from different backgrounds and a 150-strong choir to make his vision a reality.

At the heart of the musical installation known simply as ‘Drum the Bull’ was the steel Bull of Spielberg, which was brought to life by Grubinger and his fellow percussionists using brushes, metal and wooden drumsticks and even hammers.


-int. News Cut (01/07/2020) – Musical Opener / Making Of / Interviews
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